Criminal Profile and Record of Infractions

Name; Rebis Quicksilver. (Assumed pseudonym.) Official Designation; Illicit Trader. Priority target, extreme danger.

Physical Description, Other Notes; Subject is an approx. 5'6" (168cm) adult Human Female of slender build. Medium length, shag cut, grey-blue hair. Amber/orange eye color. Pallid, fair complexion. Often seen wearing several pieces of gold jewelry and smoking. Subject is described as mostly passive unless otherwise provoked. Mercury has never openly threatened an important figure by word or action, and is only ever seen in public with no more than 2 bodyguards, presumably armed. Subject frequents a small number of bars and restaurants, with no noticeable pattern between them.

Itemized List of Infractions; Bribery of law enforcement/government officials, illicit goods dealing, forgery of official documents, blackmailing a government official, aiding and abetting, murder in the 1st and 2nd degrees, trading with enemies during wartime (treason), sponsoring illegal immigration, and several other minor infractions / misdemeanors or otherwise alleged crimes.

Naming Convention The Rebis (from Latin res bina, "dual matter") is the end product of alchemy's great work. After you go through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united again in the divine hermaphrodite, fusion of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the two minds within a single body.

Mercury is a major god in Roman mythology. The god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld and the messenger of the gods. It is called "quicksilver" in alchemy, and is considered to be perfect material; a liquid metal, between life and death.

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