Name; Milena Malikova / Class; Ranger, Beast Master / Background; Witcher (Merc) Race; Human, Mutant / Alignment; Chaotic Neutral / Age; 25 / Height; 5'7" (170cm) Companion; Vorona, a black-feathered Blood Hawk. Milena raised her.

Young Milena, parents taken from her in the jaws of a deranged werewolf, was cast into the streets as an orphan. She found short-lived refuge within a nun's abbey, but she would be turned away by the other children and sisters for her unnatural behavior; an obsession with monsters, killing animals, dissecting and studying them. At 17 the Mother sent her away to a Witcher school, where her heinous talents could be put to use. Milena underwent the Trial of Grasses within weeks, becoming a full-fledged Witcher and mutant. Yet, she would again know abandonment due to her wanton killing of intelligent monsters, and her continuing to experiment on their corpses; the final straw being an incident in which Malikova took a werewolf hostage and tortured them alive for several days before she was caught by an Elder. Expelled and shunned by both man and monster, Milena wanders the countryside, still taking hunting jobs whenever she can to satisfy her sadistic needs.

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